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Nerf Blaster Wiki
This article has to do with Super Soaker.
200px-Nerf logo 1992 r This product has been discontinued. It can no longer be found in retail stores.
CPS 2000
Year Released:




Stock Capacity:

3.1L of water



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The CPS 2000 is a 1996 CPS series Super Soaker that holds 3.1L of water. It is no longer available for purchase since its home line has been discontinued. It was the first Super Soaker in the CPS series, as well as the first elastic pressure Super Soaker ever made.

It is one of the most valuable Super Soakers because of its sheer power, with its price reaching $200 USD in online auctions. Currently, it holds the record of being the most powerful Super Soaker ever produced, a record which it took from the older Super Soaker 300 and has held it ever since. Because of its power, it was advised not to fire at one's eyes or face, as it had a whopping 25× size nozzle, although it was advertised as a 10× nozzle on the box.

It was eventually taken off shelves in 1998 to make way for the CPS 2500. Aside from having smaller nozzles on a selector, the 2500 was identical to the CPS 2000 Mk II.

First Release[]

CPS 2000
Year Released:




Stock Capacity:

3.1L of water



The first release was also known as the CPS 2000 Mk 1. It had a whopping 25x nozzle, and a warning label on the nozzle that warned people not to fire at other people's faces or eyes. It was extremely powerful because of that 25x nozzle, and could out-range anything in production at the time. It also had a pressure gauge, which extended from the strap point near the front of the blaster to the tank.

Second Release[]

CPS 2000
Year Released:




Stock Capacity:

3.5L of water



This was the second release, also known as the CPS 2000 Mk 2. It was a similar design, but with a few changes. The most noticeable changes were the length of the pressure gauge and the fill cap. The pressure gauge shortened substantially, and had 25% less capacity due to dead space. The fill cap was now tethered, unlike on the first generation, where it was untethered. Some models had a different pump, one with a visible pin. It was also reported that the first release model has a greater shot time, output and range than this version, but the differences were marginal most of either mark got roughly 50'.

In fact one mk2 in particular was averaged at 55' in over 70 test shots.


What made the CPS 2000 controversial was its sheer power. Once, there was a rumor going around about someone shooting a kid in the eye with this blaster, and that it removed the eye. Please note that this has never been confirmed by the online water warfare community and is so highly doubted that although the CPS 2000 is a common sight at community wars, not one person wears facial protection.


  • The CPS 2000 set the record of being the most powerful water gun known to man in 1996, dethroning the older Super Soaker 300 which had previously held it for the past 3 years. This record still stands.
  • It is the primary arm of most Water Warfare Network players in anything-goes hardcore water fights.




CPS 2000 Commercial
