This is the talk on the page of Famous Modders.
How to add Modders[]
This is how you can add modders to the article. The page is locked, so you need to ask an administrator to do the job.
Step 1 - Put down the modder's info, region and notable blasters on this talk page.
Step 2 - Ask me or GameGear360 to see if we could add to the page. Remember to put in the modder you want us to add info about.
Step 3 - You're done!
NSA335 signing off. NSA335Over and out.
Will their be an edit on the Coop772 section for this page. He is still a Nerf-tuber and has only slightly went off from modding, but has said he does it off screen. Roxasofmalice (talk) 00:05, September 19, 2017 (UTC)